It looks like a sporty fall/winter for Jeremy Scott! He is very well know for designing the stuff animal and wings sneakers for adidas. Those are like my most favorite sneakers with an edgy style and also with a one of a kind look. I can see that its one huge evolvement from the fall/winter 2013 trends which are the sporty looks. Jeremy Scott will always be one of my most favorite designers and we all must know that he is the original designer for The Simpsons pullover. My favorite part of this collection are the high cut sneakers! I have never seen these before and I think its very original. Seeing these sneakers make me want to seriously grab a pair and I hope they sell these sneakers in adidas Philippines. I also love how the fashion industry is making sneakers look more glamourous nowadays ever since wedge sneakers became a fad. I like how the sneakers are also paired with a sporty dress. I like how they have fur for the winter and my other favorite outfit is the pink varsity top with cute seductive drawstring leggings. Id love to own leggings like that someday.
I like how he invented maxi varsity dresses and Id totally wear that if we can have one thinner for the hot weather in the Philippines. The pullovers also look great on men if they come in red. I like how how he mixed sporty with his usual cartoon prints, especially the matching body con mini with a pullover. I can also see some evolvement from the plaid fad as well with the harem pants way below and the leather bustier. For the guys outfit further below, I really think that it will be a cool trendy outfit for guys. I love the leather pants and the pullover at the same time. They are paired very nicely. So it looks like a playful and sporty fall/winter 2014 for Jeremy Scott and this is the most lively collection so far besides DKNY.
Be Uniquely you and not anyone!!,
Monica JLL Seet (Monicchic)
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